Wednesday, October 28, 2009

cat poem

C cats ar warm and cadly
Talking in meows

Rhyming Couplets

Today we read a very old poem and talked about it. It is made up of lots of rhyming couplets.
A couplet is two lines that usually rhyme and are of a similar length.

From a Railway Carriage
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain;
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle by.
Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,
All by himself and gathering brambles;
Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;
And here is the green for stringing the daisies!
Here is a cart runaway in the road
Lumping along with man and load;
And here is a mill, and there is a river:
Each a glimpse and gone forever!

Here are our first attempts of rhyming couplets.
Ice cream covered in chocolate sauce,
To deserve it I have to do the chores.
by Holly

We used to have a teacher, his name was Rob,
and his friends all wanted to call him Bob.
by Nicholas

I have a friend called Jack,
When he scores a try he goes 'All Black'!
By Finn

I have a friend called Isabella House,
She is as cheeky as a mouse.
by Payton

I have a friend called Georgia Walker
She is a very, very good talker!
I know a person called Samuel Chae
He had such a very big day.
I like knocking on the door.
by Charlotte

I have a cat called Molly.
I also have a friend called Holly.
by Lucy

I used to have a teacher and his name was Rob.
He left us alone to get a new job.
I have a friend and her name is Abby.
She likes to write and she is very happy.
by Clara

I have a friend called Nick
He tricks until you feel sick.
I have a pet his name is TomTom
We could have called him PomPom.
I know a lady Mrs Hubbard
She likes to look in the cupboard.
by Isabella

My name is Abby
I am so happy.
I used to have a teacher and his name was Rob.
He was very fit and went for jogs.
by Abby

When we go to Lincoln
We sometimes call it Lincoln blinken.
I have a friend, his name is Jack.
When he is sick he turns black.
by Yusuf

I have a brother, his name is Jack.
He sneezed one night and went all black.
By Austin

My friend is Charlotte Idiens
She knows how to count in millions.
by Georgia

One of the girls, her name is Jasmine
She likes going to the Tasman.
My brother is called Sam
He loves playing sumo slam.
by Nick

I have a friend called Nick
Blocks are always his first pick.
I have a friend called Will
He is as still as a pill.
by William

I have a brother, his name is Jack.
He went through a puddle and then turned black.
by Flynn

My favourite friend is Nick Cooke
He always has his nose in a book.
My brothers name is Sam
and he likes to eat some jam.
by Will B.

I had a friend called Isabella House
She was as squeaky as a mouse.
by Eden

I have a friend Nick
He showed me a trick.
I have a cousin called Mack.
He has a brother called Jack.
By Jasmine

I've got a friend called Nick.
He plays lots of silly tricks.
I know a boy, Hamish Bell.
He likes playing with gel.
by Zach

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Birthday

I was so excited when it was close to my birthday.The day it was my birthday my Mum blew up 70 balloons and they were everywhere when I woke up at 6.00 in the morning.It was so amazing when I saw heaps of presents on the table in the living room.My birthday was on the 27th of September in the school holidays and I spent it at home.I turned 7 years old.I still had to go to swimming lessons.At swimming I did a floatout, backstroke, armcircles and overarm.Then mum and I went to Le Cafe for a drink and a donut.My tummy was still hungry so Mum let me have a special treat at McDonalds.While I was there I played in the playground.My last treat was going to the movie UP and I had popcorn in the theatre as well.UP was very funny and I go to have fish and chips for my dinner.My birthday was great.I felt really excited. The end.