Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sparkle - Lucy the artist

I am proud of my throwing skills, my reading and my artwork. I am more confident than I was at the start of the year and this feels good.


  1. Dear Lucy, it is great to see how your confidence has grown this first part of the year. You are taking more risks in your learning and always smile and try your best. Your writing and reading is developing every day. Great work.

    Claire and Rob

  2. Lucy your artwork is great because you have lots of colours and your outline is amazing.

    Josh and Nicholas.

  3. Lucy is good atist because she uses lots of warm colours.

  4. Lucy you worked so hard on this piece of art work. you brought it home at the beginning of the holidays and worked away at it until you were satisfied. At the beginning of the term it was the first thing you packed in your bag. We are thrilled to see how your artistic ability is developing. Good Job!!
