Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Poem

Christmas is...

  • Love for God
  • Joy and family time
  • laughter
  • about happiness and fun
  • Love ever after
  • time for getting together again
  • Jesus' Birthday
  • A time for loving
  • To see people and say merry Christmas
  • a special occasion
  • time for having people over
  • time to go on holiday
  • a quiet time
  • giving
  • hugging our friends and family
  • celebrating
  • no school
  • believing
  • peace
  • good wishes for Santa
  • singing Christmas carols
  • spending time with family
  • helping people who need help
  • joy
  • playing with new things
  • fun with your family
  • is reaching for the stars
  • putting up trees
  • surprising people
  • Santa's favourite time of the year
  • visiting friends
  • everything you want it to be

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Don't do

Don't do
Don't do
Don't do that
Don't pull faces
Don't tease the cat

Don't pick your ears
Don't be rude at school
Who do they think I am?

Some kind of fool?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Poetry Focus

Over the past few weeks we have had a peotry focus in the class.

We have written cinquains, acrostic poems, rhyming couplets, poems about the things people say and descriptive and imaginary poems. Our success criteria was different for each of these.

We are excited about our work and are currently creating images to go with them.

Please give us feedback.

The Magic Box by Zach

In my box I will put...
a land of dreams,
the world's best skateboard
and a blue glittery fish for my pet.

In my box I will put...
a witch running around,
a dog on a broomstick
and two crocodiles fighting over fire.

I will put in my box...
a living castle.

I will fashion my box from shiny stones
and put a star on top.

In my box I will go
surfing the seas and
skateboarding around a park.

If my bed grew wings... by Hamish

If my bed grew red wings I would fly
to Hundred Acre Wood.
Next I would go to a yellow castle made of
gold and coins.
I might see knights fighting on horses.

The Magic Box by Payton

I will put in the box...
Mr Mistoffelees the black and sparkly cat,
and a sparkly, spotty, special wish fish.

I will put in the box...
my favourite bear,
the slowest snail and the smallest house,
a baby carrying his mother.

My box is fashioned from red rubies.

In my box I will put...
the 13th month,
a witch on a trampoline
and a child on a broomstick.

In my box I will jump up into the sky
and see a baby elephant having a bath.

What if my bed grew wings... by Will

What if my bed grew wings,
I would fly to France.
It is a fascinating place and I would
fly over the Eiffel Tower.
I will fly over rugby fields.
I would down and see men playing rugby,
and on the way back I would see the great blue seas
and oceans.

What if my bed had wings... by Flynn

What if your bed grew lots of golden wing with feathers sticking up.
It might drop you at super ice cream land.
Everything would be ice cream.
The house would be ice cream and all the bells and
you are allowed to eat the bells.
You are allowed to eat anything,
because it just grows back!

Magic Box by Josh

I will put in my magic box...
a dolphin splashing in the waves,
a land of sparkling lollies
and some beautiful art work.

I will put in the box...
some sparkling water,
and old broken down castle from long ago,
and a handsome prince.

I will put in the box...
a fairy from lolly world,
a pyramid made of silver and gold
and a skeleton from a golden king.

I will put in the box...
a black sun, a dog's wish and three legs.

In my box I will play soccer, rugby,
and swim and run.
I will be a champion!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

If I had a flying bed... by Eden

If I had a flying bed,
I would go to a magic castle.
It is covered in glittery, pretty diamonds,
that are dazzling with beautiful flowers.
It has magnificent fairies that are dancing
and flying around.

Magic Box by Clara

I will put in the magic box...
a sparkly piece of paper that shines in the sun.
A fantastic piece of writing,
and a baby panda as cute as a puppy.

I will put in the box...
a princess flying on a dragon,
a wand for a cowboy
and a bed to keep a child warm.

My box is fashioned from paper.
It is all around the box.
There are secret mermaids on the fashioned paper and
jewellery for the mermaids.

In my box I will sail on a boat that has sparkly stars on it and glows.
There are some black elephants we can ride on
and a blue trampoline.

The Magic Box by William

I will put in my box
a castle that glows
a gold, fluffy cat
and a blue rugby ball.

I will put in my box
glowing wheels off the fastest train,
a wheelbarrow filled with money,
and a handful of chocolate.

The Magic Box by Isabella

I will put in my box
a fish that could wish
my best sparkly charm necklace
and a sparkly diamond lily.

I will put in my box
a beautiful, butterfly book
the reddest sunset
and a crystal castle.

My box is fashioned from silk,
stone and silver.
It has secrets on the sides.

I will put in my box
a sparkly unicorn horn,
a witch with wings
and a fairy on a broomstick.

In my box I shall dance on a famous stage,
in a pink tutu.
I will end up in Fiji under the brightest sun.

If my bed grew wings... by Jack

If my bed grew ginormous white wings,
I would go to super lolly land.
I would collect as many lollies as I could.
I would tell my warm and cuddly bed to go to
the funniest loony tune show.
Abracadabra, in 3 seconds we are there.
I could tell it was Road runner and Coyote.
I looked round this mysterious place.
When I was not looking road runner
ran into me like mad!

What if my bed had wings... by Austin

What if my bed had wings
And I went to the zoo.
What if I went to the beach and it was very hot,
So hot I got an ice cream.
What if I went to Treasure Island.
What if I saw a dragon who was green and he was blowing fire!

What if my bed had wings... by Yusuf

What if my bed had wings?
I would go to Secret Sparkly Spy World.
When I got there I saw tonnes and hundreds of spies.
They suddenly started to secretly spy on me.
But one of the spies wasn't there.
One went missing.

The Magic Box by Jasmine

I will put in my box
A white and soft pony, with shiny blue eyes.

I will put in my box
A very shiny golden compass and
a box of golden honey.

I will put in my box
a shiny, pink unicorn's horn,
a pink ballet tutu,
and a diary with a picture of a glorious fairy.

My box is made from old wood the colour of shiny gold.

If My Bed Had Wings by Jasmine

If I had a bed with wings
it would take me to a tall and beautiful, sparkly castle.
I would see a glorious garden
with fairies picking flowers.

If my bed flew by Finn

If my bed flew I would go to Monster Planet.
I might see a ginormous monster, crossed with a chicken,
and a one-eyed monster that is a blue blob!

The Magic Box by Charlotte

I will put in the box
My best, colourful charm bracelet.
A beautiful, fluttery butterfly
And my spotty, special purse.

I will put in my box
A big, dazzling, droopy dinosaur,
A flowery, shiny, magnificent, bright diamond ball.

I will put in my box
A unicorn's horn
A cat who likes eating bones
And a dog that like to climb trees.

My box is fashioned from tones and sparkly, glittery diamonds.
Shells that glow in the night and lots of dots and rubies.

The Magic Box by Holly

I will put in the box
lovely Lou, the brown bird,
the reddest sunset,
and a shining golden ring.

I will put in the box
a puppy with the silliest coat,
an extraordinary sparkling drop of a pond,
and a beautiful princess with a silky, golden dress.

I will put in the box
a cow girl's wing and
a seagull riding a horse.

I will put in the box
a green frog in a canoe,
a golden girl
and a magic fish.

My box is fashioned from gold thread in the corners,
spots on the lid and pink hearts.

In my box I will swim through the bluest waves, play with animals
and phone my best friends.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

cat poem

C cats ar warm and cadly
Talking in meows

Rhyming Couplets

Today we read a very old poem and talked about it. It is made up of lots of rhyming couplets.
A couplet is two lines that usually rhyme and are of a similar length.

From a Railway Carriage
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain;
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle by.
Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,
All by himself and gathering brambles;
Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;
And here is the green for stringing the daisies!
Here is a cart runaway in the road
Lumping along with man and load;
And here is a mill, and there is a river:
Each a glimpse and gone forever!

Here are our first attempts of rhyming couplets.
Ice cream covered in chocolate sauce,
To deserve it I have to do the chores.
by Holly

We used to have a teacher, his name was Rob,
and his friends all wanted to call him Bob.
by Nicholas

I have a friend called Jack,
When he scores a try he goes 'All Black'!
By Finn

I have a friend called Isabella House,
She is as cheeky as a mouse.
by Payton

I have a friend called Georgia Walker
She is a very, very good talker!
I know a person called Samuel Chae
He had such a very big day.
I like knocking on the door.
by Charlotte

I have a cat called Molly.
I also have a friend called Holly.
by Lucy

I used to have a teacher and his name was Rob.
He left us alone to get a new job.
I have a friend and her name is Abby.
She likes to write and she is very happy.
by Clara

I have a friend called Nick
He tricks until you feel sick.
I have a pet his name is TomTom
We could have called him PomPom.
I know a lady Mrs Hubbard
She likes to look in the cupboard.
by Isabella

My name is Abby
I am so happy.
I used to have a teacher and his name was Rob.
He was very fit and went for jogs.
by Abby

When we go to Lincoln
We sometimes call it Lincoln blinken.
I have a friend, his name is Jack.
When he is sick he turns black.
by Yusuf

I have a brother, his name is Jack.
He sneezed one night and went all black.
By Austin

My friend is Charlotte Idiens
She knows how to count in millions.
by Georgia

One of the girls, her name is Jasmine
She likes going to the Tasman.
My brother is called Sam
He loves playing sumo slam.
by Nick

I have a friend called Nick
Blocks are always his first pick.
I have a friend called Will
He is as still as a pill.
by William

I have a brother, his name is Jack.
He went through a puddle and then turned black.
by Flynn

My favourite friend is Nick Cooke
He always has his nose in a book.
My brothers name is Sam
and he likes to eat some jam.
by Will B.

I had a friend called Isabella House
She was as squeaky as a mouse.
by Eden

I have a friend Nick
He showed me a trick.
I have a cousin called Mack.
He has a brother called Jack.
By Jasmine

I've got a friend called Nick.
He plays lots of silly tricks.
I know a boy, Hamish Bell.
He likes playing with gel.
by Zach

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Birthday

I was so excited when it was close to my birthday.The day it was my birthday my Mum blew up 70 balloons and they were everywhere when I woke up at 6.00 in the morning.It was so amazing when I saw heaps of presents on the table in the living room.My birthday was on the 27th of September in the school holidays and I spent it at home.I turned 7 years old.I still had to go to swimming lessons.At swimming I did a floatout, backstroke, armcircles and overarm.Then mum and I went to Le Cafe for a drink and a donut.My tummy was still hungry so Mum let me have a special treat at McDonalds.While I was there I played in the playground.My last treat was going to the movie UP and I had popcorn in the theatre as well.UP was very funny and I go to have fish and chips for my dinner.My birthday was great.I felt really excited. The end.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Science Experience

On Friday, the last day of Term 3, Andrew Carswell came to Team 20 to do some science experiments with us. They were all about energy.

Andrew had a machine that made electricity from a belt moving around. Some people put their hands on the silver ball and the electricity went through your hand, up your arms and out your head into your hair. It made your stick up. You had to stand on polystyrene so the electricity didn't go down to the floor. When you let go and stepped off the polystyrene your hair went back down again.

Team 20 was filled with clouds, it was like we were standing on clouds. He had dried ice which he told us was twice as cold as Antartica, Jasmine poured very hot water from a kettle into the dried ice and the room filled with clouds.

Outside Andrew put purple potassium permangenate crystals in a special bowl. He added oil on. It caught fire and sucked all the energy out of the oil. It might of heated to 2000 degrees.

Andrew had some chemicals and by adding different chemicals together he made amazing colours. There was yellow, red, blue, purple, organge and green. He made a potion that looked like blood. He told us they make blood like that for the movies.

We thought it was so awesome and exciting. Thanks Andrew, we can't wait until you come bakc in Term 4 to teach us about rockets.

Science Rocks!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My friend Charlotte by Isabella

Charlotte is very cute. She is very tall. Charlotte has dark brown eyes. She has a big smile and she has lots of teeth. She has light blond hair. Charlotte is very special to me as a best friend. Charlotte and me love to talk together. She is very happy and friendly and helpful.

Charlotte loves to play on the bars with me. Me and her love to write. She loves to run because she came first in the Cross Country. Charlotte smells so sweet like a rose. What a great friend.

Will doing karate by Finn

Will is nice. He looks like an All Black. He has dark brown hair. Will looks like Daniel Carter and he races.

Slime Rickey by Yusuf

Slime Ricky is green. He came in a magazine. He is really squishy. He likes to wobble.

Bad Jelly by Georgia

Bad Jelly is a witch. She has black hair, she has silver eyes. she has a pet giant.

"Stinky poo, stinky poo, knickers, knickers, knickers," is what she says.

She turns people into sausages. God kills Bad Jelly and her broom stick. She is so mean!

Flynn by Samuel

Flynn is a good boy because he is my friend and he helps me with maths. He plays with me. Flynn is my best friend for ever. He likes me so I like him.

Josh by Nicholas

Josh goes to school. He does running and soccer. He is friendly and nice. Josh sounds like normal. He has blond hair and blue eyes and he is my friend.

My mum by Clara

My Mum is special. She has beautiful golden, silky hair. She has big, greeny blue eyes. She runs up the street three and a half times before bed. I really sometimes like her delicious yummy dinners and breakfast. She sounds like a tweety little bird. Also she sounds friendly when she talks. I llove her precious little smell of roses.

Zach by Josh

Zach is my friend. Zach goes to school. He plays really lovely - he doesn't exclude. He is helpful. he smells like pine trees. He has a curvy head. He is nice. I love him.

Isabella by Jasmine

Isabella smells like flowers. She smells like roses and lavender. She probably puts on blueberry perfume. She likes to draw and write and play on the monkey bars and read. She's got blonde hair. Isabella has blue eyes. She's got light pink skin, it's smooth as well. Isabella has got long eyelashes.

She sounds like she is laughing. When I look at her she looks happy. Isabella is my friend.

Robin by Flynn

My Dad lives in Christchurch. He has brown hair. He is furry on the legs like a tiger. He tickles me one thousand times a day. He's a good Dad he really is. He smells like aftershave. He coaches river rugby team as well as you would dream.

Megan by Austin

My mum has long hair. She has brown hair. She laughs. She is tall. Her meals are really good.

I love my Mum.

Chloe my little sister by Eden

Chloe is pretty. She is careful and she has her own feelings. She is learning to help people. She sings beautifully. She points her foot. She thinks she's a mum. She walks everywhere. She smells like roses. She sounds like fairies wings in the wind.


Georgia by Abby and Holly

Georgia has black eyes. She has green and blue eyes. She loves to play on the playground and read and write. She smells like flowers in her house. I love Georgia.

George by Nick

My brother looks like he is taller than me. He has dark brown hair, he has green eyes like the light-green grass. My brother smells soapy after he has a shower. He sounds like a roaring giant. He plays tackle rugby and he sings a lot.

My friend Nick by Will

Nick is very fun and he plays sport. He plays cricket and athletics and rugby. He smells like a man. He looks like Dan Carter.

Dad by Payton

My Dad has brown hair. My Dad has blue eyes. My Dad sounds like a lion. My Dad smells like aftershave.

Claire by Charlotte

Her name is Claire. Claire has curly black hair. She has a big smile. Claire has brown eyes. Claire smells like perfume. Also she smells like flowers and blueberrys and strawberrys. Claire does lots of teaching. Sometimes Claire looks after her children. Some Wednesdays Claire has meetings. Claire sounds like birds chirping in the trees.

Elephant by Zach

Monday, September 21, 2009


Georgia and Nicholas have moved to the goldfish reading group. We are so excited because we can read loads and loads more books!
From Team 20 Mugshots

From Team 20 Mugshots

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 10 Term 4 News

Hi there all

There is lots of items to catch up on this week.

Topsy Turvy Tuesday

Children are able to come dressed in theme for this mufti day, it is a gold coin donation. Ideas might include; pj's, back to front, inside out, costumes, dress ups

Swimming notice
This will be coming home tomorrow. Swimming is for 9 sessions over two weeks. Our time is 1:30 - 2, this will mean leaving school at 1:00 and returning by 2:30. Hope you can help out as parent help for transport is vital. This year, as a way of supporting those that can provide transport, you will recieve $1 for each child you transport.

Farewell Assembly for Rob
This will be on in the hall from 10- 10:30 on Friday, we would love you to come along if you can.

Shared Lunch for Rob
Please join us on Friday for lunch with Rob in Team 20, 12:30 on. Can you please provide a small plate to share for lunch even if you are not able to make it?

Andrew Carswell, Jasmine's Dad is coming in to work with the class on Friday from 11 - 12:30. This will follow on from themes that we have been exploring this year. Thanks Andrew.

Photos and Calendars
These orders are due in this week, please drop the money off to the office in an envelope with your child's name and room number on it. Cards and calendars are $12.

Visiting Burnham to Deliver Rob
We are still pressing ahead with plans for this visit to Burnham School to 'hand over' Rob to his new school. A small complication has arisen in that the powhiri will need to start at 9:15. We will need to meet at school and be ready to leave at 8:30am on the first day of term 4. Please email if you are able to help out. I am not sure that I wrote down all the names of people that have spoken with me about it. We will spend some time after the powhiri getting to know the Year 2 class ar Burnham. We will leave to return to school at 11:30am.

Thanks to you all for your support over the term, it is very sad that Rob is leaving us and I am sure you will miss him, but none more than me! I am so lucky to have been able to teach with Rob over the last 3 years. We work so well as a team and I have learned s a great deal from working with him. Thankfully our friendship extends our collegial relationship and his family and mine will remain closely linked. I will be able to provide the updates!

See you in Team 20.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Maths is FUN by Hamish and Will

Today Nicholas and I went to maths with Suzie. We were trying to make ten using cards. Will B filmed us playing this game.

It was really fun!

My sister Hannah by Finn

My little sister is Hannah. She has blue eyes. She has black hair. She looks like a fairy. She likes painting for Dad, Mum, me and Connor.

The Tuatara

Tuatara are not lizards but reptiles. They have lived in new Zealand since the time of the dinosaur. Tuatara are cold blooded to touch. they have scaly skins and very soft spines down
thier backs. in fact tuatara means spiny back in maori.


tuatara eat only meat they eat wetas spiders worms birds and eggs lizards,and even other tuatara . Tuatara mosstly hunt at night, When it is cool.They have good eyesight, and their brown and green colours help to hide them. the tuatara has a light pink tongue and very sharp white teeth and it bites!

Nick's Ski Race

In September Nick when to Mt Cheeseman for a ski race. Rosa was in the same race as me. I came first and Rosa came second. You could choose out of a beanie or a pair of goggles. After i did the race i built a ski jump with my friend he is called Nico. I had allot of FUN!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sparkle - Flynn the Racing Machine

I am very fast, I came 18th in the dualathon. I have to run fast in ripper rugby and we have wone eight games. I have scored 8 tries this season. I feel proud when I run really fast.

From Sparkle Cycle 2 2009

NZ Army Band

Today we went on a bus to the Town Hall to see the NZ Army Band. While we were waiting Dave asked us to yell out when he called the name of our school. They had heaps of acts of music from around the world. Flynn's favourite was from Mexico, the music was the Lone RA\anger and there was a man chasing a horse on stage. Each song was supported by actors and images on a big screen. Holly's favourite was when the Police danced instead of catching the robber during the song "Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson. Nick's favourite from Sweden was Abba singing 'Mama Mia'. Jack's favourite part was when Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader came onto the stage. William loved the Kung fu fighting song. Payton enjoyed singing Sponge Bob Square Pants. Josh like the men joining arms to dance like they do in Greece. Finn loved it when Jack Sparrow and Davey Jones came on to the stage during a pirate song. We all sang 'Together, from High School Musical, at the end.

This is how we are feeling...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sparkle - Lucy is a great writer!

I am better at writing because I am using expression now. Now I am proud of me because I am saying stuff more clearly. I am proud of me.

Sparkle - Yusuf the mathematician!

I am proud of my maths I can work stuff out in my head. I like doing it and it is fun. I always practise at home.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Quick Catch Up

What an exciting week!

School Photos
Please have your child spruced up and ready to go in the morning for our class and individual photos. Ours is just before morning tea so hopefully they will stay looking good!

NZ Army Band
Thanks to Kirsten, Ange and Lynne who will be joining us on our trip to the Town Hall on Tuesday to see the Army Band. We leave school at 9:45am and will be back by lunchtime.

Student Led Conferences
Apologies of your time never made it home but I will attach with this email and also put a copy on the blog. This is a time for the children to guide you through their learning. There will be 2 - 4 conferences happenign simultaneously. We will start off together and then the children will go at their own pace. Rob and I will be available throughout the 30minutes to answer any questions and offer support if necessary.

Energise Me
Our topic will continue through to the end of the term looking at the human body and keeping healthy. We will use this as the basis for an inquiry next term.

Village22 Inquiry
This class is aiming to feed hungry children by encouraging the class to log on and use the webiste Check it out and we will be using it for homework next week.

Rob and Burnham School
On the very first day of Term 4 I would love us to take Rob to Burnham School and dleiver him as a treasure - taonga to them. It would be a half day trip and the opportunity for the children to be part of a Powhiri at Burnham School as they welcome Rob and Fendalton School to their place. We have been learning about Maori welcomes and Mihi and would love to use these in context. Please let me know if you would be keen to come and provide transport for this excursion.

Claire Howison
Class Teacher
Junior Team Leader
Team 20
Fendalton School
t: +64 3 351 9788 x809

Thursday, September 3, 2009

insulating our bottles by Will and Nick

We insulated our bottles with wool,newspaper,tinfoil,fur and clothes

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sparkle - Austin can speak Maori and is more confident

I liked my mihi because I learned how to speak in Maori. I am proud of this and I feel more confident. I'm proud of my reading because at the start of the year I was on yellow and now I am on purple.

Sparkle - Samuel can speak three languages!

I am proud because of my mihi because I can talk to people in Maori.

Sparkle - William is learning mihi

I am most proud of learning how to introduce myself in Maori because I am getting really good at it.

Sparkle - Zach is a great mathematician

I am proud of my maths because I can do two, fives, tens times tables. My next step is to do times tables in fours, threes and sixes.

Sparkle - Abby is a great reader!

I am better at reading. I am proud of my progress and I feel good. I am proud of my writing because I am using full stops and capital letters.

Sparkle - Finn the Light Blue Beetle!

I am proud I have made it to the Light Blue Beetles for reading!

Sparkle - Eden is good at making friends

I am proud of how I make new friends. My new friends are Holly and Clara.

Sparkle - Nicholas is awesome at drawing

I am proud of my drawing because I can draw very good.

Sparkle - Hamish is great at drawing

I am proud of my detailed small drawings. I have gotten better at this which feels good.

Sparkle - Georgia is great at writing instructions

I am good at cleaning my bedroom because I put things away in the right places. I am good at writing instructions. I am better than last term when I was terrible!

Sparkle - Clara is proud of her maths learning

I am getting better at maths because I'm better at the 5s, 10s, 2s times tables and I am proud of me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sparkle - Josh can count in 3s

I am proud of how I save goals in soccer. I am getting better. I am getting better at counting in threes because I know what 3 + 3 + 3 equals.

Sparkle - Charlotte the writer!

I have done well because I am doing the right things at writing time and I am writing more and I can write better instructions than I did in Room 12. I am proud because I am writing smaller letters.

Sparkle - Isabella is proud of her writing

I am proud of my writing because I am better at writing compared to last year. It makes me feel proud because I vary the way I start sentences.

Sparkle - Nick the mathematician

I am proud that I know my twos, fives and ten times tables. This photo shows me using an array for the two times tables.

Sparkle - Jasmine is improving at her reading

I am proud that I can read big words because I'm in the Goldfish reading group and I have been practicing reading.

Sparkle - Lucy is a great writer

I am better at writing because I am using expression now. Now I am proud of me because I am saying stuff more clearly. I am proud of me.

Sparkle - Will is an awesome reader

I have achieved my last goal which was to get to Blue for reading. Now I am on light blue. I know that I am close to silver ferns.

Sparkle - Jack's reading has improved

I have managed to get to the Silver Ferns reading group. I have worked hard at this because I read books at my house that I take books home from school. I also read other books from my house. I am most proud of my reading because I know that I'm improving!

Sparkle - Payton is an awesome reader

I am proud of my reading because I used to be in the Purple People Eaters group. I have been working hard on my reading and that is how I got into the Goldfish group.

Sparkle - Holly is great at mihi

I am proud of my mihi because Maori is a treasure of New Zealand and it is cool.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

African Elephants

The gold girls learnt about african elephants.
Holly learnt that they eat wood and bark.
Lucy learnt that baby elephants hold there mothers tail. Jasmin learnt that elephants

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What I have learned in Mathes

We have learned the 5s 1os times tables.
ten times ten=100.
ten times three=30.

five times five=25.
five times three=15.

two times two=4.
two times three=5.

And we have been lerning +s in times tables.
We have been using stuff for our +s in times tables too.

Monday, August 24, 2009


If elephants are hungry they will eat bark and even wood. When all the food has gone, the elephants have to move on. A grandmother elephant leads the herd. Elephants can
lift their trunks up high to get at leaves and branches. African elephants are larger
than asian elephants. African elephants live in the wild.Asian elephants are smaller than african
elephants.Elephants roll about in the mud.

African Elephants

Lucy learnt that elephants favourite food is long grass.
Jasmine learnt that baby elephants suck milk out off there trunks.
Payton learnt that african Elephant ears are biger than ashan Elephant's.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Maths This Week

This week toru maths group has been learning with play money seeing the tens in like 1 million dollars. This week we have been breaking numbers to find the anwser.

Nick, Zach, Jack

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cindy the Lamb Visits School

On Friday the 14th of August Cindy the lamb came to see the children of Team 20. When we went out to see it by the Village Cinday had escaped and Deb had to chase her to Waiwetu St!

We made up a bottle of milk for Cindy.

Recipe for Milk
- how to make milk for a pet

You need:
- warm water
- special milk powder
- a bottle with a teat
- a scoop
- a bowl
- a measuring jug
- a whisk

1. Pour 150mls of water into the bowl
2. Add 1 level scoop of milk powder to the bowl
3. Stir until mixed
4. Pour carefully into the animal's bottle
5. Give it to the lamb

Clara was the lucky person to feed the lamb. We all got to pat it.

Other things we learned today
  • To check if a lamb is hungry, put your finger in its mouth. It will suck if it is hungry -Payton
  • Farmers count their sheep iin 3's. They need to know their 3 x tables. Flynn
  • Farmers use a 'crook' to catch sheep around the leg or neck. Hamish
  • There is more sheep than people in NZ. There are 4 million people but 40million sheep! Nick
  • Sheep have wool to keep them warm - we wear clother. Zach
  • Sheep go under trees to keep warm on cold or windy days. - Isabella
  • Lambs snuggle under their Mum' to keep warm - Josh
  • Mother sheep can only look after two lambs, if there are triplets one is taken away. Austin
  • If a lamb is bottle fed it gets fed 4x a day. Clara

Monday, August 10, 2009

Goal Setting

Today we shared great ideas about goal setting.

What is a goal?
  • Something to help us. Will T.
  • Something you need to work on. Yusuf
  • Something you are trying to achieve. Flynn
  • A dream that you really want to do. Holly
  • A wish
  • There might be people that can help us. Eden
How do goals help us?
  • They help you get better at the things in the class and your learning. Charlotte
  • They help us to keep on trying. Yusuf
  • They might help us work on what we wnt to be in the future. Lucy

We talk about what makes a great goal and Mrs Howison (Claire) told it that it is important that our goal is SMART.

Specific ( smallish and focussed)
Measurable ( so you know when you have reached it)
Achievable ( so it is worth working towards and you will get there)
Realistic ( it good for you and you are able to achieve it)
Timeframe ( so you know when you want to do it by)

A goal without a timeframe is merely a dream!

Last term when we set our goals we feel we didn't look at them often enough so this time we are going to blog them, put them in our Learning Reports and put them on the wall! We are going to publish them in the shape of a ball and move them towards a goal post.

Look out for them soon!

Keeping warm - humans and animals

Today we used venn diagrams to compare how humans and animals keep warm and cool. We had lots of ideas.
Click on the photo and then you will be able to read our ideas, we were very proud of our thinking.